Message Series – TRAIN
It’s that time of year again…the time for resolutions.
I’m not particularly a fan of resolutions (I like to think more in terms of lifestyles), but there are some redeeming factors to this time of year and the process most of us go through around this time. One of the processes we go through to get to resolutions is assessment. It’s that work of looking back at where we’ve been and where we are. What kinds of practices this past year have shaped me into the kind of person that I’ve become at this point?
As a result of that process, we tend to want to make a few changes.
Often our resolutions circle around physical things (diet, exercise, etc…) or clutter and organization (of stuff and schedules). But I wonder if this process can also be helpful when it comes to the spiritual vitality of our lives. Over this past year, have you become more or less connected with God and others in love? What kinds of practices have helped or hindered you in bringing you to this point? What kinds of changes might be helpful moving forward into 2017?
In the Christian life, there is a great deal of wisdom that has developed over the centuries around “faith practices” or “spiritual disciplines” that can be used by God, energized by his grace, to actually help shape us into the kinds of people who experience a vibrant spiritual life with God. We’re going to be spending the next several weeks looking into those practices and learning how practically to engage in the practices that will make the most difference in helping us become the people we want to be (and God wants for us to be as well!).
I hope you’ll join us Sundays in January (and maybe into February) as we journey together towards a deeper walk with Jesus and a vibrant life of faith in God.
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