Message Series – The Next 10

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Hi Friends,
A few weeks ago, I started having some trouble with my vision. As I was reading, I noticed what seemed like a small piece of lint floating across my field of vision. When I jerked my head to the left and tried to swat it away from my eyes, it just lazily travelled across my field of vision and has remained “floating” around in my sight for the past several weeks.
I went to the Ophthalmologist last week and found out that these are what are known as “floaters.” Unfortunately, it sounds like I’m pretty much stuck with them. So, I’ve naturally been reflecting lately on the importance of clear vision.
Vision is one of those things you take for granted until it gets fuzzy. When something gets in the way of a clear vision, it can be very frustrating, and sometimes even debilitating.
Isn’t this true in life as well? We are creatures that need to be able to see where we’re going, even if it’s just being able to catch a glimpse of the next steps.
In the scriptures, there are several places where God is spoken of as one who “lights our path” (Psalm 119:105). We are told, more specifically, that if we’ll trust God and submit to his will, then he’ll direct our paths and make them straight (Proverbs 3:5-6).
There’s even one verse in Proverbs that says,
Where there is no vision, the people perish… – Proverbs 29:18.
The writer is speaking about more than our physical vision. He’s talking about our need to see God and seek God and his will for our lives. Without a vision from God for our lives, we tend to get lost and run into all sorts of trouble. However, with that vision, we can see clearly to take the next faithful step in God’s good and perfect will for our lives.
Here at Real Life Community, we’ve tried hard to seek God’s vision for our church. Over the past 10 years we’ve been working out a Vision Plan that we really felt was the direction of God for our church. Now that we’ve completed that plan, it’s time to turn our eyes to the future. What does the next 10 years look like for us? What kind of church are we becoming? What kind of work does God have for us next.
Your church board and a Vision Task Force have been at work over the past several months hammering this out. Sundays in October we’re going to begin unpacking the sense we’re getting for “The Next 10.” I hope you’ll make it a priority to be here every Sunday in October. Also, make it a point to bring along a friend!